I just went through and reread all of your Hound reviews, this was so interesting to follow and a lot more in-depth than I could have imagined! Amazing work.

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Feb 12Edited

Congratulations on finishing your scholarly review of Hound! I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts on Celtic mythology and Celtic-themed media!

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Thank you for reading the review since the beginning! If you haven't seen it already, I put out a post the other week teasing the next things I have lined up to review: https://swordslore.substack.com/p/reviews-on-the-docket?r=2bql01

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This review series has been good to follow, coming in with only the basics of knowledge about Cú Chulainn I feel like I learned a lot just from reading this. Makes me feel more motivated to dig into the mythology. Really liked the image you use to start this article off with.

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