Dec 27, 2023Liked by Ethan Sabatella


I have been following this blog because it is rare to see a blog run by someone who has studied Celtic mythology and even written a thesis.

I would like to see more posts about Celtic mythology and Celtic-inspired media, especially your scholarly review of Hound by Paul J. Bolger and Barry Devlin. I bet it'd also be interesting to learn about Irish mythology in Scottish Gaelic and Manx lore.

Speaking of Celtic-inspired media, I am planning to order Fionn of the Fianna - Past's Prologue by Rob Curley, Turlough Delaney, and Kevin Keane on Sub-City Comics because the graphic novel seems interesting and the art style struck me as closer to my taste at first sight than most other comics outside Japan I have ever seen.

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The other installments of the Hound review will most definitely be coming in 2024! I look forward to sharing my thoughts on those!

I can also most certainly do more in-depth dives on Celtic folklore (I was even thinking of dedicating the month of March to a lot of Irish-based things).

I'll have to check that out! Sounds like it may be cause for another Celtic-themed media review!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Ethan Sabatella

Nice retrospective. It certainly was a busy year. For future posts and stories, I had a couple of thoughts.

1. A deeper dive comparing S&S to other fantasy genres, with perhaps some examples of what truly distinguishes S&S from high fantasy and other sub-genres. I think you covered some of this in your earliest posts, but I need further explanation. For fun, I’d love to see something like a Narnia story written in S&S style. 😁

2. More backstory on Eachann and Conor from the perspective of Celtic history/mythology and culture. I’ve read all the stories in which they appear, but I feel like I still don’t know them that well.

Keep up the great work!

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Ethan Sabatella

Enjoyed your Wednesday posts and the monthly short stories in 2023. Eagerly looking forward to your 2024 posts and stories, especially the return of Eachann and Conor! My favorite pair of protagonists since Huck and Jim. Keep up the great worK.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Ethan Sabatella

Wow! You certainly were busy! I didn’t realize how hectic it was for you last year, writing your thesis plus attending to all your duties as a TA. You did a fantastic job; plus working all summer to make this publication a reality. You have a great work ethic, even now, while also holding down a full time job. Very, very proud of you. Keep it going!

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