The Cthulhu myth encompasses a fictional world that predates the earliest recorded history. As such, it should not be restricted to a specific time period. For this very reason, your suggestion that Cthulhu fiction can to be set in the time frame the author knows best is very valid. Concomitantly, this enables him to use setting to his, and the readers', advantage.
Check out Little Italy in Providence.. Many good restaurants and pastry shops.
The bit about tweeting "I'll just comprehend the eldritch monstrosity" got a sensible chuckle, that's definitely a tweet from a character about to be driven mad by the horrors. Some people really do have no respect for the horrors or tragedies, apparently there was a whole trend of couples 'proving' they wouldn't look back like Orpheus.
Are you at all familiar with the Shin Megami Tensei franchise? One of the key reoccurring elements is the demon summoning program, which naturally is a computer program that can summon demons.
Most games are far from Lovecraftian (though they feature the occasional mythos figure), but it started with a horror novel where it was invented for revenge against high school bullies and naturally got way out of hand. Bringing it up because that's a concept that feels in line with the potential section.
Hmm, I wonder about something with the Deep Ones and dating apps, but I don't know enough about dating apps to do that.
Also you should try to snag some clam cakes while in Rhode Island.
The Cthulhu myth encompasses a fictional world that predates the earliest recorded history. As such, it should not be restricted to a specific time period. For this very reason, your suggestion that Cthulhu fiction can to be set in the time frame the author knows best is very valid. Concomitantly, this enables him to use setting to his, and the readers', advantage.
Check out Little Italy in Providence.. Many good restaurants and pastry shops.
The bit about tweeting "I'll just comprehend the eldritch monstrosity" got a sensible chuckle, that's definitely a tweet from a character about to be driven mad by the horrors. Some people really do have no respect for the horrors or tragedies, apparently there was a whole trend of couples 'proving' they wouldn't look back like Orpheus.
Are you at all familiar with the Shin Megami Tensei franchise? One of the key reoccurring elements is the demon summoning program, which naturally is a computer program that can summon demons.
Most games are far from Lovecraftian (though they feature the occasional mythos figure), but it started with a horror novel where it was invented for revenge against high school bullies and naturally got way out of hand. Bringing it up because that's a concept that feels in line with the potential section.
Hmm, I wonder about something with the Deep Ones and dating apps, but I don't know enough about dating apps to do that.
Also you should try to snag some clam cakes while in Rhode Island.