My prediction is that Flòraidh killed the tradition-bearer, and is in a large part going to be responsible for the incident that left the narrator hospitalized.

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I hadn’t leaped to that conclusion yet, but we will soon find out. Hey, Maybe she’s the Blue Nun!

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You’ve got me wondering! Can’t wait for Friday!

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Math dha rìreibh!

Bu chaomh leam cèilidh air Nova Scotia uairigean -- anns na h-Eileanan (an Alba) bith sinn a' cluinntinn mu dheidhinn na coimhearsnachan Gàidhlig thall an taobh sin, agus bhiodh e gu math inntinneach faicinn co ris a tha iad coltach!

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Great setup in this first part of the story. Good descriptions of Antigonish and StFx too. I feel like I’m there.

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